All posts by Paul
Here is the command that worked for me
Continue ReadingThere are plenty of blog posts about 6 ways to change the upload size limit, i read them all. As usual there were little bits missing that someone like me needed to understand comletly what was needed.
So i thought i would add my own blog on my experience of increasing the upload size limit on my wordpress site
This wordpress site is part of multisite wordpress.
I have built it myself on a virtual machine from a hosting company. I rent a bare bones virtual linux machine with nothing on it
I then installed wordpress multisite with plugins and themes etc
So this might be differnt for you if you have purchased a prebuitl wordpress site
You will have less access to the underlying files
Because of the multisite install of wordpress ihave an extra setting for upload file size and file types

Changing this setting made no difference to the 2mb limit i was stuck with (until later)
Googling how to chnage the limit brought up a .htaccess method and a php.ini method
I teied the .htacess method but it stopped the media libary from loading fro some reason so i reverted the chnages back
Then i tried the php.ini method. The post i read however was not clear on where to find the php.ini file. It advised if i didnt have a php.ini file that you could create one
So off i went and created the php.ini file in the www folder of apache
This didnt work
So off to google i went
Then i found another post not related to wordpress about php and apache
How do i check what version of php i was using.
Well i remebered from installing word press that it created a file for you called info.php in your apache www folder
if you web browse to this file it will show you what version of php you are using and its location on the server

As you can see it shows me php7.4 and its installed location
That is where you find php.ini and where you alter the upload size
I added these two line of text to the php.ini file and hey presto the upload size increased
post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
Not to 100mb though!
That was where i needed to go back and alter the upload size in the mutlisite settings (picture above)
Hope this helps someone like me who struggled to fill in the blanks between all the online posts about upload size limits for wordpress
I needed to connect to a device which was on a wifi network but also needed to stay connected to my local LAN
Continue ReadingSpent a day trying to sort this with out success until i found this You tube video
Continue ReadingSource
chown www-data:www-data -R * # Let Apache be owner
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; # Change directory permissions rwxr-xr-x
The above command will say you days
Finds all the directories and sets them as:
read,write,exec by user
read,exec by group and anon
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; # Change file permissions rw-r–r–
above command finds all the files and sets them to:
read,write by user
read only by group and anon
to change the default login directory for vsftpd, change the ftp user home directory in /etc/passwd:
ftp:x:116:116:vsftpd daemon:/var/vsftpd:/bin/false
useradd example – Add a new user to primary group
To add a user tony to group developers use the following command:
# useradd -g developers tony
# id tony
Sample outputs:
uid=1123(tony) gid=1124(developers) groups=1124(developers)
Please note that small g (-g) option add user to initial login group (primary group). The group name must exist. A group number must refer to an already existing group.
If your email server requires a FQDN to send emails through it then you will need to chnage your NETBIOS name to a FQDN
When sending an email from windows live mail my server returns and error stating “paul-pc unable to send mail due to non FQDN”
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